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In recent years more golf courses, which use large quantities of water, have opened in China. What may be the opportunity cost of this?
cost of water
loss of farmland
sales of golf equipment
wages of golf course staff
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Which situation Indicates a mixed economy?
Economic activity is controlled entirely by the private sector.
Individual choices are unaffected by government actions.
Services are provided by both private and public sectors.
The government carries out all planning and decision making

1 إجابة واحدة

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For the opening of more golf courses in China, the opportunity cost may be the loss of farmland. Building golf courses, which require significant amounts of water, may lead to the conversion of agricultural land into leisure spaces. The opportunity cost here is the potential loss of productive farmland, which could have been used to grow crops or support agriculture-related activities.
As for the situation indicating a mixed economy, it is:
Services are provided by both private and public sectors.
In a mixed economy, both private and public sectors play a significant role in the economy. The government provides certain goods and services, while the private sector is also involved in economic activities. This arrangement reflects a combination of market forces and government intervention, characteristic of a mixed economy.
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